Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jared's Last Choir Concert of the Year

After all of the concerts, all of the practicing, all of the trips.... it's over. I'm always so relieved and thrilled at the same time. With three in choir and two on competitive choir "teams", we have had SO many concerts! Thank goodness they're wonderful and I look forward to each one! 

These videos were taken by one of the moms.
(Apparently even though I "linked" them, you still have to cut and paste.)

This is Jared's wonderful choir teacher. Michael had her and Cai Lynn will finally get her next year!

Their sweet Principal. This is his last year as he is off to a district position working with other Principals. 

A week at a glance

As usual we had a busy week and most of those pictures will be in another post. But I wanted to do these ones separately. 
 Every year we have at least one litter of baby squirrels. They range from about 9-12 in a litter and they are all over the yard. I know you might be saying, "AWWWW how cute! Baby Squirrels!" in fact that's what most people say when they come over and see them all over my yard. BUT let me repeat, "ALL over my yard!" They used to be in the back yard eating all of my apple blossoms and fruit tree leaves, but since we got Murdoch they've moved to the front yard.

The reason for me telling you this is, this year for the first time I've seen out of the dozen babies, there are two black ones! They even look different! The last time I saw black squirrels was in the mid-west. They belong to the same family though. Weird. 

We were able to sneak some pictures

Here's another one.

Just a random picture of cute Annie. 

As I was typing this my sweet Duchess kept purring and "cooing" at me. So I took a picture. She is not a cuddly woman in her old age with anyone except me.... Unless her food bowl is empty. 

 Last weekend some high-schoolers were having a bonfire in the woods. They left some embers burning, and it got out of control. If it weren't for the beautiful rain we received this week it would still be burning. These were taken from my front porch.