Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dr. Noize!

Tonight we went to the VERY entertaining Dr. Noize. He was great and we had so much fun. He totally involved all of the kids and they were all willing participants. (Even some of the adults went up. LOL

Here's his website...

This is Dr. Noize

She was a little nervous...

The boys weren't as nervous...

OK maybe they were...

The Dads' turn.

Some of the Mom's had to sing a song. LOL

I'm up there now too.

What a fun night... Then home to dinner and homework...


Jeremy and Brigitte said...

What does dr. Noise do? Is he a musician, motivational speaker, comedian? Either way looks like you had a blast.

Watts Family said...

How fun! I din't know you had a blog :) Glad you found us.

Jennefer said...

Brigitte, he's really all of the above. I posted his website.

Amanda, Jared was SO excited!!!! That was all he talked about for like an hour! LOL