Monday, June 27, 2011

Our New Puppy!

Last week we officially added a new someone into our home. Since we knew we were moving into a house, I began looking for a good Collie breeder. This is my third collie. I had one when I was little, and one as an adult. I just LOVE the breed! I spoke to many breeders and finally decided on a woman in Texas and bought our little "Duncan" at 5 days old. (The first time I spoke with her he wasn't born yet. ;-) ) Soooooo after many phone conversations, emails, pictures, etc he finally arrived at our airport. A good friend went with me and we were there an hour early and anxiously awaited his arrival.

Here he comes!!!!


Duncan and Ruby finally meet

I picked up the kids and they were SOOOO excited to finally see him in person. We had narrowed it down to three names and finally after meeting him we decided on "Duncan".

It's so funny how much he has changed in just a week's time! his ears no longer look like this.


I just love this little face!


JenGlynn said...

He is absolutely adorable! And a perfect fit! I love him and can't wait to meet him.

JenGlynn said...

He is absolutely adorable and a perfect fit for the family. I love him already and can't wait to meet him!!