Monday, July 25, 2011

First Day of School!

It's hard to believe that the summer is gone for Cai Lynn and Jared already! They are on year-round school so their summer is shorter than usual.

What is Jared doing in the 5th grade???? Where did the time go? My fiery little red-head is now an upper-grades man. Which means... he gets to play on the bigger playground full-time, and he changes classes several times through-out the day. He is especially excited that he gets to try out for solos now. :-) Keep your fingers crossed!

How did Cai Lynn get to be in the 3rd grade? She is now required to take more AR tests, and this year she will be learning the multiplication tables and cursive! She also gets to try out for Drama club and Honor choir this year! Keep your fingers crossed for that too!

*Please ignore the sun's early morning glow

3rd grade!!!!!

5th grade!!!!!

Standing in line at his number.

This is where she will line up!

Hard to believe!

*In a few weeks I will be posting my 8th grader's first day of school!!!!!