Saturday, July 9, 2011

Off to Milwaukee to play!

My wonderful BFF Jennifer, sent me to Milwaukee to play for my birthday. They bought me tickets to the Toby Keith and Eric Church concert at Summerfest, we played around, it was just so much fun!!!!

Rob took us to 'The Safe House" it was a hoot! It was a "confidential" place in the center of town and we each spent a bunch of the time running around finding little hide-outs. It was so much fun!

The secret entrance is somewhere in here...

Rob playing hide and go seek... looks a little like Jack Nicholson I think!

After playing and finding our way around we headed out the secret exit. (We just COULDN'T go out the regular exit could we?)

Booooorrrrinnnnng!!!!! These guys literally took the easy way out!

The old buildings were amazing!

Restaurant on the river...

Miller Park... They weren't in town... :-(

Cool huh?

We met up with our buddy the Fonz!


Over the next few days I will be doing new posts... We had SOOOO much fun!!!!!