Monday, January 30, 2012

Pinewood Derby

This was Jared's last year at the Pinewood Derby. He is now a Weeblo and will be heading off to Boy scouts in July! WEIRD! Boy does time fly! Jared designed his car himself with help of our neighbor helped cut it out and then did the design on the top by himself. Wow he's growing up!

He just finished adding his weights and getting his "official weight".

Greasing his wheels. :-)

A little "Move it Twister" before getting started...

A few of the cars. Once they've been "officially weighed in" and signed in, they can't be touched.

Getting the board all the up.

Some of the "big kids".

Heat one...

Our little neighbor boy came along too.

Goof ball!

I think Blake was very excited! He has won every heat.... we'll see if he can beat the other undefeated one!

All the boys! Great job guys!!!!!!!

Showing his award.... "Most creative"

The "big kids" :-)