Despite my broken foot, a whole bunch of things not done that I REALLY wanted to, (including actually SENDING the Christmas cards that are sitting on my dresser) we had a very nice Christmas.
There are so many traditions we have and several that we didn't do this year. I kept trying to get past that, and know, that they will be done next year and possibly the cards WILL go out. There were some things we DID get done and we had a very nice day.
We had our traditional movie night on Christmas Eve. We unfortunately did not get to go look at lights. Which is a huge tradition, for us, but all that driving with my foot wasn't going to work. We opened our jammies, did our readings, watched our movie and then.... Santa came.
On Christmas morning we all got our stockings.... including the pets.
Ruby was happily munching on her "Dream Bone"
Duncan got his.... but wanted another.
The cats got a new toy too....
Now off to open presents....
Ruby wanted to make sure NOBODY touched her stocking. Sure, she looks adorable.... but go ahead and touch her stocking
After a nice lunch at Toucan Charlies at the Altantis and the movie "Frozen" we headed back to my mom's where we had a nice little dinner, watched another movie and opened presents.
My 5 yr old niece Emily
My 9 yr old niece Sarah
My sister Jessica and her boyfriend Clark
Cute cousins
15, 12, 10, 9, 5
Merry Christmas 2013!!!!!
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