Saturday, December 13, 2008

A visit with Santa

Santa came to the library last week.

While we waited we made Christmas crafts and watched Rudloph the Red Nosed Reindeer. We got to have juice and cookies too.


Stillman and Michelle said...

Hey Jennifer your blog is looking good! Merry Christmas!

Kirsten said...

What a fun night you had!! The kids all look so cute seeing Santa.

I have to tell you (and maybe this is too personal on here) but I want you to know that I think you are doing a wonderful job with your kids. It's not easy being a single parent. Reading your newsletter, I was so touched with just how much you do with your kids and the experiences they are getting growing up. It made me cry. You take them to do so much stuff and they are doing so great in school too!

If case you don't hear it often enough, I am really proud of you for your diligence with them, and your kids will thank you someday. I am living proof of that. I tell my mom all the time now, I don't know how she did it with us and I am so grateful to her for not giving up. Keep up the great work and know I am thinking about you...

Merry Christmas...I hope you enjoy a good relaxing break!