Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Tree Lighting

Once again we went to the tree lighting down at "The Summit". It was just as wonderful the third time around. It was a yucky day weather-wise yesterday, a beautiful day today (t-shirt weather) and when the sun goes down, it's time to bundle up!

Waiting for the festivities to begin. :)

My cute mom trying to hide her face from the camera...

Her choir group performing.

The 3-D glasses to make the fireworks more interesting.

Santa and Mrs. Claus arriving in their limo in style... :) :)

Santa and his bodyguards. LOL

I was too close, they kept moving.

Santa lighting the tree.

These pictures were not zoomed in on. We were so close it made it difficult to take pictures. The show was AMAZING though!

Merry Christmas!!!!!


Alan and Abby said...

Oh my goodness! How adorable are your little angels? Very!