Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Great Reno Balloon Race

Once again the time has come for the "Great Reno Balloon Race". Every year we wait and wait and reluctantly drag ourselves out of bed at 4- something in the morning. but there is something about watching the balloons fire up in the pitch black, and the sun rising behind the eventual 100-plus hot air balloons of all shapes, sizes and colors that makes the experience well worth it.

This one just touched down from "Dawn Patrol". There are a select few of pilots that are allowed to fly in the dark. Only 5 of them fly at this time in the morning.

The sun is coming up! And more balloons are being set up! YAY!

There it goes! (We happened to be sitting next to the tarp.)

The fly-over

The "missing man" formation

From across the field I spotted a Storm Trooper! I knew that it meant that the "Darth Vader" balloon had to be close by! The kids and I hurried over to where we thought it would be setting up. (There are over 100 balloons being set up and trucks and baskets all over the field. It sounds easier to find one particular balloon than it actually is. ) Just as we got there the crew was pulling the basket out of the truck. We got to watch it from start to finish! (OK I'm a TOTAL Star Wars nerd! But this was SUPER exciting for me!) This was Vader's first trip to Reno and hopefully not his last!

There he goes!

Getting the inside all filled so it can stand up.

Getting stood up. (I love Jared's face.)

Apparently I'm the most excited! LOL

There he goes! 105 cubic feet of Lucasfilm Awesomeness!

Balloons balloons everywhere!

Another morning of fun!