Sunday, October 19, 2014


Well, we finally made it to Disneyland! 
After so many years planning, etc, my mom finally surprised us with a wonderful trip! It turned out, unfortunately, that the boys were unable to make it, so it was a girls trip.

I cannot remember the last time I took a trip that lasted more than just a few days, so this was a big deal for me! It had also been more than 20 years since I had been to Disneyland... So a LOT had changed!

Cai Lynn was pulled into the "Tea Party" moments after we walked through the gates.

 Star Tours was one of the first things we went on.


 "Small World" had to be at the top of our list

 Off to the Imaginarium....

 This is where we met ASIMO

The Haunted Mansion

The Parade

 Under the Sea

 The Tiki Room

The Parade... This time we accidentally ended up right in front as they came out of the doors. (The crew actually moved us to that spot because they said we couldn't see as well where we were.)

Off to CA Adventure

 One of the best parts of the trip was that my 6 yr old niece was convinced all of the characters were the really REAL characters. I WISH I would have gotten her reaction to Pooh Bear on video. She was shaking she was so excited and buried her face in him! SO CUTE!

We ended our trip with Aladdin.... home the next day.


Katelyn said...

So fun for you guys!!!